The looks on their faces (with all of them being close to tears) makes it clear they know they stand no chance.
Oh, Crap!: For the girls when they have to face off against the now giant Rowdyruff Boys. Never Recycle Your Schemes: Played with HIM recycles another villain's scheme by recreating the Rowdyruff Boys. Make My Monster Grow: Due to HIM giving the boys a vaccination against cooties, the girls’ kisses now have this effect instead. Incredible Shrinking Man: When the girls discover that threatening the boys’ masculinity shrinks them back down, they keep doing this until the boys are barely a couple of inches tall. Humiliation Conga: The Rowdyruff Boys each get one when the girls realize humiliation weakens them, starting with one major thing that would each embarrass them, from making them bite their tongue to pulling their pants down, and then treating them like babies. Girls Have Cooties: The girls try this technique again, but unfortunately HIM made sure it would no longer work. Finale Title Drop: Done by HIM near the end. Expository Hairstyle Change: The boys get new, longer spiked hairdos after being revived. Darkest Hour: This is by far the closest the girls have ever come to being permanently defeated. The Bus Came Back: This episode officially brings the Rowdyruff Boys back to the show, and this time they're here to stay. The Boys Are Back In Town contains examples of: This is a 3D game with various collectible powerful.HIM revives the Rowdyruff Boys, and makes them immune to the girls’ kisses. Description: You control the Powerpuff Girls as they battle Mojo Jojo who attacks them using a miniature helicopter. The Powerpuff Girls: Showdown in the Sky. Description: Your favorite snow-smashup is back and Ice King demands you AND YOUR FRIENDS join the fun. Description: Have a snowball fight with Cartoon Network characters in Snow Brawl 2!.
Description: Battle your favorite Cartoon Network characters for snowball supremacy.Description: The Powerpuff Girls have to get out of their house and to school! Help them find their way out of the house, while collecting alarm clocks.Epsiode Based On: " The Rowdyruff Boys".Description: Snowboard down tricked-out mountains and catch sick air with the Powerpuff Girls!.Cartoon Network: Table Tennis Tournament.Description: Destroy Mojo's evil robot army to free Townsville's puppy population.
Here are the games that have been released: The following is a list of The Powerpuff Girls online games this will also include a list of the 2016 reboot online games as well.